Star Lore


Pre-Dawn Star Gazing

The origins of star lore, an intro to the site.

Framework of Time

The framework of the sky as revealed by the motions of celestial objects.

Heaven on Earth

Observing the stars, and the creation of ancient observatories and monuments.

Planets, the wanderers

Meet the planets, a page about their appearance, behavior, personalities.

Catastrophe! Precession

Origin of the word disaster; the stars are not constant after all.

It's Written in the Stars

The astronomical level of myth and ancient history, the probable origins of astrology.

About this site

A little bit about why I created this site.


A reading list and links to various web resources and tools for further exploration of the topics raised here.

Feedback Form

What do you think of the site? Any questions or recommendations? Might you join a mailing list or use a forum? Let me know!

Still to come

  So you can nag me if I take too long
quiz - test your knowledge
'technical language of myth' - a partial dictionary, explaining where the earth and sea are and what floods have to do with astronomy.
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